Bible Sermons
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Current sermon series:
Past Sermons:
Old Testament
- Genesis
- Exodus (A sermon series on lessons from the book of Exodus)
- Joshua
- The Messianic Psalms
- Song of Songs
- Isaiah
- Hosea
- Jonah
- Zechariah
New Testament
- Gospel of Matthew
- Gospel of Luke
- Gospel of John
- Acts
- Romans
- 1 Corinthians
- 2 Corinthians
- Galatians
- Ephesians
- Philippians
- Colossians
- Hebrews
- James
- 1 John
- Revelation
More Sermons
- Favorites (Sermons that have most affected the listeners)
- Beginning a Relationship with Christ (How to find peace with God)
- Seasonal (Christmas Easter New Years etc )
- Letters to the Seven Churches (Jesus' letters to the early churches from Revelation)
- Worship (The controversial subject of worship styles)
- Prayer (The Bible's instruction on how and what to pray for)
- The Church (What it means to be the church)
- Growing in Christ (Instruction in maturing in your relationship with Christ)
- Attributes of God (The Bible's description of God's character - essential for us to know!)
- Revival Messages (Light the fire again)
- Youth (A few sermons written specifically with youth in mind)
- Prophecy (Sermons dealing with prophecy - more to come)
- Finding Your Purpose (A summary of "The Purpose Driven Life")
- Living in the Last Days
- Spiritual Disciplines
- Misc (Sermons that did not fit the above catagories)
- Guest Speakers
- Devotions for Sites in Israel (Meditations written to be shared during a visit to Israel)
Old Testament
The Beginning Genesis 1:1-5
Formed and Filled Genesis 1:6-25
His Image Genesis 1:26-2:3
Eden Genesis 2:4-17
Woman Genesis 2:18-25
Evil Genesis 3:1-7
Where Are You Genesis 3:8-13
Justice Genesis 3:14-24
Master or Be Mastered Genesis 4:1-16
Spiritual Legacy Genesis 4:17-26
Walking With God Genesis 5
Depravity and Grace Genesis 6:1-8
Judgment and Salvation Genesis 6:9-7:24
Rest and Rainbows Genesis 8-9:17
Curse and Blessing Genesis 9:18-29
The Road to Messiah Genesis 10
Babel On Genesis 11
The Call Genesis 12:1-9
Faith Walk Genesis 12:4-9
Dealing With Difficulty Genesis 12:10-20
Conflict Resolution Genesis 13:1-28
Rescue Me Genesis 14
The Believers Reward Genesis 15:1
The Way to God Genesis 15:1-6
Helping God Out Genesis 16:1-16
El Shaddai Genesis 17:1
Cut Away Genesis 17
Visitation Genesis 18:1-15
Cry of the Lost Genesis 18:16-33
Lot to Think About Genesis 19:1-29
The Toll of Compromise Genesis 19:30-38
Not Again Genesis 20
Truth and Consequences Genesis 21
Faith to Surrender Genesis 22:1-4
God Will Provide Genesis 22:5-24
A Time to Die Genesis 23
The Bride Genesis 24
Separation Genesis 25:1-18
The Birthright Genesis 25:19-34
His Presence Genesis 26
Shaken to the Core Genesis 27:1-40
Ladder of Grace Genesis 27:41-28:22
Time to Reap Genesis 29:1-30
Yoyo Spirituality Genesis 29:31-30:24
Cunning or Blessing Genesis 30:25-31:13
The Get Away Genesis 31:17-55
Jacob Meets Jesus Genesis 32
My Mighty God Genesis 33
The Dinah Fiasco Genesis 34
Revival Genesis 35
The Dreamer Genesis 37:1-11
His Hand Genesis 37:12-36
On Your Own Genesis 38
Me and Mrs Potiphar Genesis 39
Dreamin Genesis 40-
From Dream to Reality Genesis 41:1-40
In Charge Genesis 41:41-57-
Growing Pains Genesis 42-
Facing Fears Genesis 43
Transforming Trials Genesis 44-45:5-
Unveiling Genesis 45-
Now I Can Die Genesis 46-
A Place to Grow Genesis 47-
Epitaph Genesis 48-
Jacobs Prophecy Genesis 49-
But God Genesis 50-
Jesus in Genesis 5-4-08 Luke 24:44-45-
Societal Engineering Exodus 1-
God in the Trials Exodus 2-
My Way Exodus 2:11-15-
God's Preparatory Academy Exodus 2:16-25-
God Encounter Exodus 3:1-10-
The Name Exodus 3:11-22-
Why You Can Exodus 4:1-17-
My Deliverer is Coming Exodus 4:18-31-
God Why Exodus 5:1-23-
I Am the Lord Exodus 6-
Supreme God Exodus 7-
A Hard Heart Exodus 8-
The God Hardened Heart Exodus 9-10-
Passover Exodus 12-
Remember Exodus 13-
Obedient Waves Exodus 14- (no audio)
Redeemer Healer Exodus 15-
God's Provision Exodus 16-
Testing God Exodus 17-
It's a War Exodus 17:8-16-
Saved x 2 Exodus 18-
Prepare To Meet God Exodus 19-
Ten Words Part 1 Exodus 20-
Ten Words Part 2 Exodus 20-
Book of the Covenant Exodus 21- (no audio)
Draw Near Exodus 24-
From the Inside Out Exodus 25-27-
Jesus in the Tabernacle Exodus 25-
Priestly Robes Exodus 28-
Consecration Exodus 29-
Rebels Without A Cause Exodus 32-
Divine Presence Exodus 33-
Glory Revealed Exodus 33:17-34 35-
Stirred Hearts Exodus 35:20-36:7-
Heaven Came Down Exodus 40-
Lesson from Exodus 1
Lesson from Exodus 2
Lesson from Exodus 3
Lesson from Exodus 4
Lesson from Exodus 5
Lesson from Exodus 6
Lesson from Exodus 7
Lesson from Exodus 8
Lesson from Exodus 9
Lesson from Exodus 10
Lesson from Exodus 11
Lesson from Exodus 12
A New Leader | Joshua 1:1-3
Be Strong & Courageous | Joshua 1:4-9![]()
Prepare for New Life | Joshua 1:10-18![]()
Providence and Faith | Joshua 2![]()
He Goes Before | Joshua 3![]()
Memorial Stones | Joshua 4:5:1![]()
No More Shame | Joshua 5:2-12![]()
The Commander | Joshua 5:13-6:7![]()
Separated | Joshua 6:8-27![]()
Defeated! | Joshua 7:1-9![]()
Deal With It | Joshua 7:10-26![]()
Victory and Renewal | Joshua 8![]()
Glorious Surrender | Joshua 9![]()
Conquest! | Joshua 10:1-27![]()
Taking our Land | Joshua 10:28-13:1![]()
Our Inheritance | Joshua 13-15![]()
Pass it On | Joshua 20-22![]()
Cling to God! | Joshua 23![]()
Choose | Joshua 24![]()
King of Glory-
Eternal King-
Priest, King, and Judge-
knowing and following his word | Psalms 119:9-16![]()
The Sufficiency of the Whole Counsel of God | Psalms 119:17-24![]()
Faithful To Restore | Psalms 119:25-32![]()
A Righteousness Not My Own| Psalm 119:33-40![]()
Better than Wine | Song of Songs 1:1,2
Intimacy with the King | Song of Songs 1:3,4![]()
Pursuing Love | Song of Songs 1:5-8![]()
Consumed by Love | Song of Songs 1:9-17![]()
God's Lament Isaiah 1:1-9
Perfect Worship Isaiah 1:10-20-
Refiner's Fire Isaiah 1:21-31-
Thy Kingdom Come Isaiah 2:1-5-
Humiliated Isaiah 2:6-21-
Consequences Isaiah 3-
The Beautiful Branch Isaiah 4-
The Vineyard Song Isaiah 5-
Exalted in Justice Isaiah 5:8-30-
God Calling Isaiah 6-
Immanuel Isaiah 7:1-8:8-
Nonconformity Isaiah 8:9-22-
The Son Is Given Isaiah 9:1-7-
Remedial Anger Isaiah 9:8-10:15-
The Coming King Isaiah 10:16-11:4-
Great Expectations Isaiah 11:4b-12:7-
Sovereign Over Nations Isaiah 13-
Sovereign Over Nations 2 Isaiah 21-23-
End of the World Isaiah 24-27-
Worlds Apart Isaiah 28-
Surprising Grace Isaiah 29-
Surprising Ways Isaiah 30-
Trusting in Man Isaiah 31-
True Security Isaiah 32:9-33:6-
Just in Time Isaiah 33:7f-
The Beautiful King Isaiah 33:17-
Super Saved Isaiah 35-
Mighty One Isaiah 36-37-
Receiving the Water John 4-
The Appropriate Response Isaiah 38-
Tend the Flame Isaiah 39-
The Comfort of God Isaiah 40-
The Greatness of God Isaiah 40-
Source of Strength Isaiah 40-
God Over All Isaiah 41-
Same Plan Different Outcome Isaiah 41-
Look My Servant Isaiah 42:1-9-
The New Song Isaiah 42:10-25-
I Am He Isaiah 43:1-15-
God's Solution to Failure Isaiah 43:16-44:5-
Wise or Foolish Isaiah 44:6-28-
God's Amazing Ways Isaiah 45:1-13-
The Only God Isaiah 45:14-25-
Carried Isaiah 46-
Prepare Isaiah 47-
Our Refiner Isaiah 48-
The Second Servant Song Isaiah 49a-
The Second Servant Song Isaiah 49a-
Promises Fulfilled Isaiah 49b-
Third Servant Song Isaiah 50-
God's Comfort - Isaiah 51:1-16-
Arise Isaiah 51:17-52:12-
Exalted Servant Isaiah 52:13-53:5-
Exalted Servant part 2 Isaiah 53b-
Something to Sing About Isaiah 54-
Thirst Slaker Isaiah 55-
God of All Isaiah 56-
Two Paths Isaiah 57-
Two Fasts Isaiah 58-
The Cycle Ends Isaiah 59-
Coming Kingdom part 1 Isaiah 60-
Coming Kingdom part 2 Isaiah 61-
The Lord's Delight Isaiah 62-
Day of Vengeance Isaiah 63-
Held Isaiah 63b-
Isaiah's Prayer Isaiah 64-
Here I Am Isaiah 65a-
Re-Creation Isaiah 65b-
God's House Isaiah 66a-
God's Justice Isaiah 66b-
Loathsome_yet_Loved | Hosea 1
God's Unfaithful Wife | Hosea 2:1-13![]()
God's Redeeming Love | Hosea 2:14-3:1![]()
Buying Back the Worthless | Hosea 3![]()
Covenant-Breakers | Hosea 4:1-14![]()
A Prodigal People | Hosea 4:15-5:7![]()
Driven to Repentance | Hosea 5:8-15![]()
True Repentance | Hosea 6![]()
They Do Not Turn To Me | Hosea 7![]()
Vessels of Wrath | Hosea 8-10![]()
Jacob, Who Strove with God | Hosea 12:2-13![]()
Repentance and Restoration | Hosea 12:14-14:9![]()
Wake Up | Jonah 1:1-6
Convicted | Jonah 1:7-10![]()
Die That Others Might Live | Jonah 1:11-17![]()
Restoration| Jonah 2![]()
Repent!| Jonah 3:1-5![]()
Relented| Jonah 3:6-10![]()
Mercy for Me Not for Thee| Jonah 4:1-5![]()
Greater Than Jonah| Jonah 4:6-11![]()
Repent Zechariah 1:1-6
Comfort in the Valley Zechariah 1:7-17-
Lasting Labor Zechariah 1:18-21-
Fire and Glory Zechariah 2-
The Sign Zechariah 3-
By My Spirit Zechariah 4-
Purging Iniquity Zechariah 5-
Priest King Zechariah 6-
Hearing or Hardened Zechariah 7-
Fasting to feasting Zechariah 8-
Your King Comes Zechariah 9:1-13-
Looking Forward Zechariah 9:14-10:12-
Evil Shepherds Zechariah 11-
Israel Saved Zechariah 12-13:1-
Second Coming Zechariah 13:2-14:5-
Kingdom Come Zechariah 14:6-21-
New Testament
Trophies of Grace Matthew 1:1-17 10-5-03
The Name, Jesus Matthew 1:18-21 10-12-03
Immanuel Matthew 1:22-25 10-19-03
We Come to Worship Matthew 2:1-12 10-26-03
Big Bad John Matthew 3:1-12
Jesus-Our Example Matthew 3:13-17
Temptation Matthew 4:1-11
Detailed Prophecy Matthew 4:12-17
Come Follow Me Matthew 4:18-22
Good News of the Kingdom Matthew 4:23-25
The Upside Down World of the Kingdom Matthew 5:1-12
Upside Down Kingdom pt2 Matthew 5:1-12
Upside Down Kingdom pt3 Matthew 5:1-12
Upside Down Kingdom pt 4 Matthew 5:10-12
Salt and Light Matthew 5:13-16
The Power and Authority of the Word Matthew 5:17-20
But I Tell You Matthew 5:21-26
Guilty of What!? Matthew 5:27-32
Getting Even Matthew 5:33-42
Love Conquers All Matthew 5:43-48
Secret Service Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18
Teach Us to Pray Matthew 6:5-15
What Are You Working For? Matthew 6:19-24
Worship or Worry Matthew 6:25-34
Playing Judge Matthew 7:1-6
Enter In Matthew 7:7-14
Wolves! Matthew 7:15-23
The Unshakable Foundation Matthew 7:24-29
Jesus is Willing Matthew 8:1-4
Great Faith Matthew 8:5-17
Counting the Cost Matthew 8:18-22
What Kind of Man is This Matthew 8:23-27
The Welcoming Committee Matthew 8:28-34
Filled with Awe Matthew 9:1-8
Sinners and Wineskins Matthew 9:9-17
Touching Desperation Matthew 9:18-26
The Miracle of Sight Matthew 9:27-34
Through Jesus' Eyes Matthew 9:35-38
Called Matthew 10:1-16
Persecution Matthew 10:17-28
Great Love and Expectations Matthew 10:29-42
Style Versus Substance Matthew 11:1-19
The Yoke of Jesus Matthew 11:20-30
Mercy Please Matthew 12:1-14
The One I Love Matthew 12:15-21
The Unforgivable Sin Matthew 12:22-32
Theres a Hole in the Bucket Matthew 12:33-37
The Sign Matthew 12:28-50
Got Ears Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23
A Heart Condition Matthew 13:10-17
Weeds Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43
Affecting the World Matthew 13:31-35
Worth It All Matthew 13:44-52
Where is God? Matthew 13:53-58
A Life in Conflict Matthew 14:1-13a
All I Need Matthew 14:13-21
Be Courageous Matthew 14:22-36
Traditions of Men Matthew 15:1-20
The Source of Evil Matthew 15:10-20
A Hard Saying Matthew 15:21-28
More Than Fish Sandwiches Matthew 15:29-39
How Many Signs Do You Need? Matthew 16:1-4
Infectious Yeast Matthew 16:5-12
But What About You? Matthew 16:13-20
Taking the Cross Matthew 16:21-28
Listen to Him Matthew 17:1-13
Help My Unbelief Matthew 17:14-23
Temple Tax Matthew 17:24-27
Greatness and Depravity Matthew 18:1-9
Little Ones Matthew 18:10-14
Wandering Sheep Matthew 18:15-20
Unforgiveness Matthew 18:21-35
Divorce Matthew 19:1-12
The Seduction of Wealth Matthew 18:13-30
The Day Laborer Parable Matthew 20:1-16
Me First Matthew 20:17-28
Blind as a Bart Matthew 20:29-34
Our Gentle King Matthew 21:1-11
The Presence Matthew 21:12-27
All Show and No Go Matthew 21:18-22
Tale of Two Sons Matthew 21:23-32
Broken or Crushed Matthew 21:33-46
Broken or Crushed pt2 Matthew 21:33-46
The Regal Invitation Matthew 22:1-14
God and Caesar Matthew 22:15-22
The Spiritual Realm Matthew 22:23-33
Its All About Love Matthew 22:34-40
The Answer Question Matthew 22:41-46
The Brotherhood of Believers Matthew 23:1-12
Seven Woes - Giving Matthew 23:13-24
Seven Woes part 2 Matthew 23:25-39
Are You Ready Matthew 24:1-14
Tribulation Matthew 24:15-28
The Second Coming Matthew 24:25-39
Alert Ready Faithful Matthew 24:36-51
Betrothed Matthew 25:1-13
Faithful or Worthless Matthew 25:14-30
Judgment Day Matthew 25:31-46
Extravagant Worship Matthew 26:1-13
Betrayal and Commitment Matthew 26:14-30
Not My Will or Power Matthew 26:31-46
Strong Delusion
Betrayed Matthew 26:47-56
Justice on Trial Matthew 26:57-68
A Man Like Me Matthew 26:69-75
Sellers Remorse Matthew 27:1-10
Power of Persuasion Matthew 27:11-26
Abusing Jesus Matthew 27:27-37
This is Glory Matthew 27:38-50
Buried With Christ Matthew 27:51-66
Resurrection Power Matthew 28:1-10
Mission Possible Matthew 28:11-20
The Messiah | Luke 1:1-25
Annunciation | Luke 1:26-38![]()
Magnificat | Luke 1:39-56![]()
The Birth of John | Luke 1:57-80![]()
Birth of the Messiah | Luke 2:1-20![]()
Awaiting His Coming | Luke 2:21-38![]()
The Word Speaks | Luke 2:39-52![]()
The Prophet John | Luke 3:1-15![]()
The Baptism of Jesus | Luke 3:16-22![]()
The Temptation of Jesus | Luke 3:23-4:13![]()
Rejection | Luke 4:14-30![]()
The Busy Day | Luke 4:31:44![]()
Jesus' Touch | Luke 5:1-16![]()
Paralyzed Souls | Luke 5:17-32![]()
Jesus vs Legalism | Luke 5:33-6:11![]()
Blessed Joy | Luke 6:12-26![]()
Like Our Father | Luke 6:26-40![]()
Fruit and Foundations | Luke 6:41-49![]()
Great Faith | Luke 7:1-10![]()
Sanctuary or Offense? | Luke 7:11-23![]()
The Messenger | Luke 7:24-35![]()
Repentant Faith | Luke 7:36-50![]()
Light, Family, Storms | Luke 8:16-25![]()
Son of the Most High | Luke 8:26-39![]()
Touching God | Luke 8:40-56![]()
Jesus, Our Sufficiency | Luke 9:1-17![]()
Who is Jesus? | Luke 9:18-27![]()
A Disciple's Calling | Luke 9:43-62![]()
Proclaiming the Kingdom | Luke 10:1-20![]()
One Thing Is Necessary | Luke 10:38-42![]()
Our Prayer | Luke 11:1-4![]()
Ask for the Best | Luke 11:5-13![]()
Gathering or Scattering | Luke 11:14-23![]()
Blessed Hearing | Luke 11:24-36![]()
The Key of Wisdom | Luke 11:37-53![]()
Got Fear? | Luke 12:1-12![]()
What's Rich? | Luke 12:13-21![]()
Life Well Lived | Luke 12:22-36![]()
Accountability | Luke 12:35-48![]()
The Great Division | Luke 12:49-59![]()
Lesson of Calamity | Luke 13:1-9![]()
Unstoppable Kingdom | Luke 13:10-21![]()
Willingly Strive | Luke 13:22-35![]()
Humble Yourself | Luke 14:1-11![]()
Cost of Discipleship | Luke 14:25-35![]()
Engaging the Culture | Luke 15:1-10![]()
Come Home | Luke 15:11-32![]()
Heart Treasure | Luke 16:1-13![]()
Justification, Ages, and Divorce | Luke 16:14-18![]()
The Rich Man and Lazarus | Luke 16:19-31![]()
Our Duty | Luke 17:1-10![]()
One Came Back | Luke 17:11-19![]()
The End | Luke 17:20-37![]()
Persistent Prayers of Faith | Luke 18:1-8![]()
The Preacher and the Pedophile | Luke 18:9-17![]()
Good Enough For God? | Luke 18:18-30![]()
Spiritual Sight | Luke 18:31-43![]()
Little Man, Big Heart | Luke 19:1-10![]()
Encapsulated Future | Luke 19:11-27![]()
Our Time of Visitation | Luke 19:29-40![]()
Jesus Sobs for Us | Luke 19:41-48![]()
Authority of a Rock | Luke 20:1-18![]()
Wisdom of God | Luke 20:19-40![]()
Corrections from Jesus | Luke 20:41-47![]()
Endure | Luke 21:1-19![]()
Jesus' Prophesy | Luke 21:20-38![]()
Journey to Joy | Luke 22:1-23![]()
It Is Not In Me | Luke 22:24-38![]()
Betrayal | Luke 22:39-53![]()
The Denial | Luke 22:54-71![]()
The Secular Trial of Jesus | Luke 23:1-25![]()
Deathbed Conversion | Luke 23:26-43![]()
The Death of Life | Luke 23:44-56![]()
The Death of Death | Luke 24:1-12![]()
The Prophets Have Spoken | Luke 24:13-35![]()
Ascended Lord | Luke 24:36ff![]()
The Uniqueness of Luke![]()
The Eternal Son - 1:1-3
The God Man John 1:1-18-
Johns Testimony John 1:1-34-
Come and See John 1:35-51-
The First Sign John 2:1-12
The Second Sign John 2:12-25-
Born Again John 3:1-13-
Heaven's Message John 3:14-21-
Mission Accomplished John 3:22-36-
Thirsty John 4:1-26-
The Best Food John 4:27-42-
Believe Him 7-27-08-
House of Kindness John 5:1-16-
Radical Claims John 5:16-30-
Proof Positive John 5:31-47-
A Man Like Moses John 6:1-15-
In Our Boat John 6:16-24-
I Am the Bread John 6:25-40-
Soul Food John 6:41-59-
Rejection John 7:1-24-
Living Water John 7:25-44-
Friend of Sinners John 7:54-8:11-
Light of the World John 8:12-30-
Who's Your Daddy John 8:31-59-
Can You See It John 9:1-12
Testimony John 9:12-41-
The Good Shepherd-
One with God John 10:22-42-
Walking in Light John 11:1-16-
Jesus is Life John 11:17-37-
Tomb Raider John 11:38-57-
Heart of Worship John 12:1-11-
Victory Road John 12:12-26-
Motivations John 12:27-42-
God's Heart John 12:44-13:17-
Love and Betrayal John 13:18-38-
Good News in Hard Times John 14:1-14-
A Home for the Spirit John 14:15-31-
In The Vine John 15:1-8-
The Love Command John 15:9-17-
Hated John 15:18-16:4-
The Gift John 15:26-16:15-
Overcomer John 16:16-33-
Glory John 17:1-5-
Sanctified John 17:6-19-
Unified John 17:20-26-
The Arrest John 18:1-14-
Trial and Denial John 18:15-27-
Pilate Meets Jesus John 18:28-19:16a-
Our King John 19:16b-30-
Out of the Closet John 19:31-42-
Alive John 20:1-18-
Resurrection Life John 20:19-31-
Come and Dine John 21:1-14-
Forward Slidden John 21:15-25-
Promise of the Father Acts 1:1-5
The Commission and Ascension Acts 1:6-11-
Preparation Acts 1:12-26-
Pentecost Acts 2:1-13-
Peter's Sermon Acts 2:14-41-
The Early Church Acts 2:42-47-
Divine Appointment Acts 3:1-10-
Peter's Second Sermon Acts 3:11-26-
Peter's Defense Acts 4:1-22-
Unintimidated Acts 4:23-31-
The Fear of God Acts 4:32-5:16-
Angel-backed Jail Break Acts 5:17-29-
Unstoppable Acts 5:30-42-
Praying Servants Acts 6:1-7-
Stephen's Testimony Part 1 Acts 6:8-7:19-
Stephen's Testimony Part 2 Acts 7:20-53-
Christian Martyrdom Acts 7:54-8:3-
Salvation in Samaria Acts 8:4-25-
Spirit-led Evangelism Acts 8:26-40-
Hater to Believer Acts 9:1-19a-
Role Reversal Acts 9:19b-31-
Healing Evangelism Acts 9:32-43-
Divine Revelation Acts 10:1-29-
Good News for the World Acts 10:30-48-
First Jerusalem Council Acts 11:1-18-
Church in Action Acts 11:19-30-
Another Jail Break Acts 12:1-19-
The Big Picture Acts 12:20-13:3-
Missions Begin Acts 13:4-12-
Paul's Sermon Part 1 Acts 13:14-33-
Paul's Sermon Part 2 Acts 13:34-52-
Churches Planted Acts 14:1-28-
Second Jerusalem Council Acts 15:1-29-
Grace Alone Acts 15:30-35-
Differences of Conviction Acts 15:36-16:5-
Divine Direction Acts 16:6-18-
Another Jail Break Acts 16:19-40-
Reason Acts 17:1-15-
Connecting Acts 17:16-34-
Strategic Churches Acts 18:1-18a-
Accountability and Apollos Acts 18:18-28-
Holy and Unholy Spirits Acts 19:1-20-
Truth Prevails Acts 19:21-20:6-
Paul to the Elders Acts 20:7-38-
All for Jesus Acts 21:1-36-
Paul Attacked Acts 21:27-22:21-
Guilty of Faith Acts 22:22-23:11-
Divine Intervention Acts 23:12-35-
A Good Conscience Acts 24-
Paul Retried Acts 25-
Paul Testifies Acts 26:1-18-
The Rational Gospel Acts 26:19-32-
God with Us Acts 27:1-38-
Darkness to Light Acts 27:39-28:10-
To All the World Acts 28:11-31-
Introduction to Romans
Obedient Saints Romans 1:2-7-
Paul's Desire Romans 1:8-15-
Faith Life Romans 1:16-17-
Our Just God Romans 1:18-23-
Super Jesus and Kryptonite Romans 1:21-32-
God Repays Romans 2:1-11-
A Heart Change Romans 2:12-29-
Gift of the Word Romans 3:1-8-
A Good Person Romans 3:9-20-
Law of Faith Romans 3:21-31-
Saving Faith Romans 4:1-12-
Faith Plus Nothing Romans 4:13-25-
Reconciled Romans 5:1-11-
The Solution Romans 5:12-21-
Dead and Alive Romans 6:1-7-
Identified With Christ Romans 6:8-14-
Who Do You Serve Romans 6:15-23-
Married to Another Romans 7:1-7-
You Can't Romans 7:7-24.doc-
Mind Control Romans 8:1-7-
In the Spirit Romans 8:8-15-
Suffering and Glory Romans 8:16-23-
The Greatest Hope Romans 8:24-30-
The Greatest Assurance Romans 8:31-39-
God's Will and Man's Romans 9:1-18-
A Remnant Romans 9:19-33-
Right with God Romans 10:1-11-
A Global Gospel Romans 10:12-21-
Jealous Attraction Romans 11:1-16-
Grafted In Romans 11:17-25-
Israel's Destiny Romans 11:26-36-
Living Sacrifices Romans 12:1-2-
Humble Service Romans 12:3-8-
Paul's Exhortation part 1 Romans 12:9-13-
Paul's Exhortation part 2 Romans 12:14-21-
God and Government_Romans 13:1-7-
Debt of Love Romans 13:8-14-
Differing Convictions Romans 14:1-12-
Faith with Love Romans 14:13-23-
Harmony Romans 15:1-13-
Paul's Mission Romans 15:14-33-
Paul's Greetings Romans 16:1-16-
Paul's Farewell Romans 16:17-27-
Greeting the Corinthians | 1 Corinthians 1:1-3
The Grace of God | 1 Corinthians 1:4-9![]()
Church Unity | 1 Corinthians 1:10-17![]()
God's Wisdom | 1 Corinthians 1:18-25![]()
One Boast | 1 Corinthians 1:26-32![]()
Preaching the Cross | 1 Corinthians 2:1-5![]()
Heavenly Wisdom | 1 Corinthians 2:6-16![]()
Spiritual Immaturity | 1 Corinthians 3:1-9![]()
Builders And Destroyers | 1 Corinthians 3:10-17![]()
All Are Yours! | 1 Corinthians 3:18-4:5![]()
Our Humble State | 1 Corinthians 4:6-13![]()
Warning Believers | 1 Corinthians 4:14-21![]()
Church Discipline | 1 Corinthians 5:1-13![]()
Lawsuits | 1 Corinthians 6:1-11![]()
Freedom's_Boundaries | 1 Corinthians 6:12-20![]()
Marriage | 1 Corinthians 7:1-16![]()
Grow Where Planted | 1 Corinthians 7:17-24![]()
Married or Single | 1 Corinthians 7:25-40![]()
Knowledge Versus Love | 1 Corinthians 8:1-13![]()
Paul's Zeal | 1 Corinthians 9:1-15![]()
To Win Some | 1 Corinthians 9:16-27![]()
Warnings from History | 1 Corinthians 10:1-12![]()
Communion | 1 Corinthians 10:13-22![]()
Grace and Glory | 1 Corinthians 10:23-11:1![]()
Headship | 1 Corinthians 11:2-16![]()
Reverence for the_Body | 1 Corinthians 11:17-34![]()
Gifts of the Spirit | 1 Corinthians 12:1-11![]()
Out of Many One | 1 Corinthians 12:12-31![]()
The Excellent Way | 1 Corinthians 13:1-3![]()
Defining Love | 1 Corinthians 13:4-7![]()
The Greatest Gift | 1 Corinthians 13:8-13![]()
Prophecy and Tongues | 1 Corinthians 14:1-25![]()
Way to Worship | 1 Corinthians 14:26-40![]()
The Tradition | 1 Corinthians 15:1-11![]()
Importance of Resurrection | 1 Corinthians 15:12-34![]()
Our New Bodies | 1 Corinthians 15:35-49![]()
Perfected Bodies | 1 Corinthians 15:50-58![]()
Ready to Give | 1 Corinthians 16:1-11![]()
Stand Firm | 1 Corinthians 16:12-24![]()
Fly! Easter 2019 | 1 Corinthians 15:11-17![]()
God's Comfort | 2 Corinthians 1:1-6
Despair and Prayer | 2 Corinthians 1:7-11![]()
Established Together | 2 Corinthians 1:12-22![]()
The Enemy's Scheme | 2 Corinthians 1:23-2:11![]()
Aroma of Christ | 2 Corinthians 2:12-3:4![]()
Our Sufficiency | 2 Corinthians 3:5-11![]()
Glory All Around Us | 2 Corinthians 3:12-16![]()
Gospel Light | 2 Corinthians 4:1-6![]()
Clay Pots | 2 Corinthians 4:7-12![]()
Transient vs Eternal | 2 Corinthians 4:13-18![]()
A Heavenly Perspective | 2 Corinthians 5:1-10![]()
Crazy Love | 2 Corinthians 5:11-15![]()
New Creation | 2 Corinthians 5:16,17![]()
Royal Ambassadors | 2 Corinthians 5:18-6:2![]()
All for Jesus | 2 Corinthians 6:3-7![]()
Paul's Heart | 2 Corinthians 6:8-13![]()
Separations | 2 Corinthians 6:14-18![]()
Promises and Comfort | 2 Corinthians 7:1-9![]()
Comforter | 2 Corinthians 7:10-16![]()
Grace Giving | 2 Corinthians 8:1-15![]()
Accountability | 2 Corinthians 8:16-9:5![]()
Abounding Grace | 2 Corinthians 9:6-15![]()
Warfare! | 2 Corinthians 10:1-6![]()
Boasting in Christ | 2 Corinthians 10:7-18![]()
Two Roads | 2 Corinthians 10:7-18![]()
Super Apostles | 2 Corinthians 11:5-15![]()
Enduring Suffering | 2 Corinthians 11:16-29![]()
Real Strength | 2 Corinthians 11:31-12:10![]()
Signs and Wonders | 2 Corinthians 12:11-19![]()
The Fear of God | 2 Corinthians 12:20-13:5a![]()
Paul's Hope | 2 Corinthians 13:5-14![]()
An Overview of Galatians | Galatians 1:1
Need For Grace | Galatians 1:1-5![]()
No Other Gospel | Galatians 1:6-10![]()
Grace Revelation | Galatians 1:11-24![]()
Paul's Defense | Galatians 2:1-10![]()
Confronting Hypocrisy | Galatians 2:11-14![]()
New Life | Galatians 2:15-21![]()
From Death to Life | Galatians 2:19b,20![]()
Bewitched | Galatians 3:1-5![]()
The Remedy | Galatians 3:5-9![]()
Faith Life | Galatians 3:10-14![]()
Supremacy of the_Promise | Galatians 3:15-22![]()
Set Free in Christ | Galatians 3:23-4:7![]()
Ritual or Relationship | Galatians 4:8-20![]()
Freedom! (part 1) | Galatians 4:21-31![]()
Freedom! (part 2) | Galatians 5:1-12![]()
Live by the_Spirit | Galatians 5:13-16![]()
Walk by the_Spirit | Galatians 5:17,18![]()
Fruit | Galatians 5:19-26![]()
Practicum | Galatians 6:1-8![]()
One Boast | Galatians 6:9-18![]()
Ephesians Intro
Praise The Father Ephesians 1:1-6-
Blessed and Sealed Ephesians 1:7-14-
Paul's Prayer Ephesians 1:15-23![]()
Have a Seat Ephesians 2:1-10-
Thanksgiving Ephesians 2:11-18-
The New Temple Ephesians 2:19-22-
To Obtain a Bride Ephesians 5:22-33-
The Mystery Ephesians 3:1-12-
Fullness Ephesians 3:14-21-
Worthy Walk Ephesians 4:1-6-
The Gift Giver Ephesians 4:7-12-
MVPs Ephesians 4:11-16-
Old Self New Self Ephesians 4:17-24-
New Life Behavior Ephesians 4:25-32-
Imitating God Ephesians 5:1-2-
What Is Immoral Ephesians 5:3-7-
Children of Light Ephesians 5:8-14-
Be Filled Ephesians 5:15-21-
Jesus and His Bride Ephesians 5:22-23-
The Glory of Submission Ephesians 6:1-9-
Stand His Ground Ephesians 6:10-13-
Battle Ready Ephesians 6:14-15.doc-
Shield Helmet Sword Ephesians 6:16-17-
And Pray Ephesians 6:16-24-
Church Glue Philippians 1:1-11
Kingdom Minded Philippians 1:12-18-
To Live or Die Philippians 1:19-26-
Gift of Suffering Philippians 1:27-30-
How We Were Meant To Be Philippians 2:1-4-
Step Down Philippians 2:5-12-
Shining Stars Philippians 2:12-18-
Faithful Brothers Philippians 2:19-30-
Found In Him Philippians 3:1-9-
To Know Him Philippians 3:10-11-
The Prize Philippians 3:12-17-
Citizens of Heaven Philippians 3:17-21-
Unity, Joy, Peace Philippians 4:1-7-
Thought Life Philippians 4:8-9-
Contentment Philippians 4:10-13-
Partnership Philippians 4:14-23-
Philippian Highlights-
Loving Saints Colossians 1:1-8
Paul's Prayer Colossians 1:9-14-
Majestic Jesus Colossians 1:15-17-
The Beginning Colossians 1:18-20-
The Hope of Glory Colossians 1:24-29-
The Healthy Church Colossians 2:1-5-
Alive In Christ Colossians 2:6-15-
The Mystery Colossians 2:16-17-
Freedom in Christ Colossians 2:16-23-
Raised Colossians 3:1-4-
Kill the Zombie Colossians 3:6-14-
Gracious Imperatives Colossians 3:15-17-
Heavenly Living Colossians 3:18-4:1-
Devotion to Prayer Colossians 4:2-5-
Portraits Colossians 4:7-18-
Magnificent Son Hebrews 1:1-3
Greater Than Angels Hebrews 1:3b-14-
Secured to the Word Hebrews 2-
What is Man Hebrews 2:5-9-
Our Hero Hebrews 2:10-18-
Greater than Moses Hebrews 3:1-6-
Heart Condition Hebrews 3:7-15-
Will You Enter Hebrews 4:1-11-
The Double Edge Hebrews 4:12-16-
Perfect Priest Hebrews 5:1-10-
Grow Up Hebrews 5:11-6:3-
Got Fruit Hebrews 6:4-12-
Our Anchor Hebrews 6:9-20-
Melchizedek and Jesus Hebrews 7-
Better Promises Hebrews 8:1-6-
A Better Covenant Hebrews 8:7-13-
Much More Hebrews 9:1-14-
Once for All Hebrews 9:15-23-
Sanctified Hebrews 10:1-18-
Draw Near Hebrews 10:19-25-
Endure Hebrews 10:26-39-
God's Commendation Hebrews 11:1-6-
Noah's Faith Hebrews 11:7-
Hear, Believe, Obey Hebrews 11:8-10-
Heavenly City Hebrews 11:11-16-
Faith Obeys Hebrews 11:17-22-
Moses' Faith Hebrews 11:23-28-
Conquering Faith Hebrews 11:29-31-
Victorious Faith Hebrews 11:32-39-
Looking unto Jesus Hebrews 12:1-4-
Teach Me Your Ways Hebrews 12:5-17-
Final Warning Hebrews 12:18-29-
The Godly Life Hebrews 13:1-6-
The Godly Life Part 2 Hebrews Part 13:7-16-
Elders and Benediction Hebrews 13:17-25-
Introduction to James | 1:1
Joyful in Trials | James 1:2-4![]()
Wisdom | James 1:5-11![]()
Temptation | James 1:12-18![]()
Anger Issues | James 1:19-21![]()
Doers | James 1:22-27![]()
Partiality | James 2:1-7![]()
The Royal Law | James 1:22-27![]()
Living Faith | James 2:14-26![]()
The Power of Words | James 3:1-12![]()
Two Kinds of Wisdom | James 3:12-18![]()
War Within Us | James 4:1-6![]()
Humble Submission | James 4:7-10![]()
Presumption | James 4:11-17![]()
The Miser's Miseries | James 5:1-6![]()
Patient Endurance | James 5:7-11![]()
Praise and Prayer | James 5:12-20![]()
Got Joy? 1John 1:1-4
Test of Fellowship 1John 1:5-2:2-
Confession and Repentance 1:5-9 -![]()
Test of Obedience 1John 2:3-11-
Spiritual Growth 1John 2:12-14-
Wrong Kind of Love 1John 2:15-17-
Antichrists 1John 2:18-27-
Heaven 1John 2:28-3:3-
Love Test 1John 3:4-24-
Christmas Spirit 1John 4:1-6-
Year of Love 1John 4:7-21-
No Fear 1John 4:13-21 -![]()
Overcomers 1John 5:1-12-
Confident 1John 5:13-21-
The Unveiling Revelation | 1:1-8
Jesus' Glory | Revelation 1:9-20![]()
First Love | Revelation 2:1-7![]()
Stay Faithful | Revelation 2:8-11![]()
Tolerating Evil | Revelation 2:12-17![]()
Compromising | Revelation 2:18-29![]()
Wake Up! | Revelation 3:1-6![]()
The Faithful Church | Revelation 3:7-13![]()
Lukewarm | Revelation 3:14-23![]()
Heaven's Gratitude | Revelation 4![]()
The Worthy One! | Revelation 5![]()
Four Horsemen | Revelation 6:1-8![]()
How Long O Lord? | Revelation 6:9-17![]()
Signed, Sealed, Delivered | Revelation 6:12-7:8![]()
Home at Last! | Revelation 7:9-18![]()
Tribulation Trumpets | Revelation 8![]()
Trumpets Five and Six | Revelation 9:1-21![]()
The Angel and His Scroll | Revelation 10![]()
Two Witnesses | Revelation 11:1-6![]()
No What Ifs | Revelation 11:7-14![]()
Grand Finale | Revelation 11:15-19![]()
A Cosmic Battle | Revelation 12:1-6![]()
Heavenly Warfare | Revelation 12:7-12![]()
Enraged Dragon | Revelation 12:13-17![]()
The First Beast | Revelation 13:1-10![]()
Another Beast | Revelation 13:11-18![]()
On Mount Zion | Revelation 14:1-6![]()
Angel Trio Warning | Revelation 14:6-13![]()
Two Harvests Revelation 14:14-20![]()
Prelude to Wrath | Revelation 15![]()
Bowls of Wrath | Revelation 16![]()
The Great Prostitute | Revelation 17![]()
Babylon Has Fallen! | Revelation 18![]()
The Marriage Supper | Revelation 19:1-10![]()
Armageddon Revelation | 19:11-21![]()
The Millenium | Revelation 20![]()
New Jerusalem | Revelation 21:1-8![]()
New Jerusalem Pt 2 | Revelation 21:9-27![]()
Face to Face | Revelation 22:1-6![]()
Blessings and Warnings | Revelation 22:7-21![]()
Jesus Revealed in Revelation | Revelation in Review![]()
More Sermons
Jesus in Every Book
Our Passionate God Luke 11:15-22-
Where Did My Blessing Go?-
It's All About Jesus 1 Corinthians 2:14-
Treasure Chests Psalm 119-
Biblical Eldership Titus 1:5-7 (part one)-
Biblical Eldership 1Peter 1:1-5 (part two)-
Conspiracy Revelation 12:1-6-
Good News in Hard Times John 14:1-14-
God and Government Romans 13:1-7-
God is Good 2-16-2006![]()
God is Good![]()
Victorious Living: Romans 8:1-16 6-10-01![]()
God's Plan God's Way Romans 8:28-39 6-24-01![]()
Heaven 8-25-02![]()
Heaven pt 2 9-1-02![]()
Unlimited Patience![]()
Widow of Zarephath 7-30-00![]()
Dead Man Walking![]()
Visions Beyond 2-1-04![]()
The Engraved Stone 5-7-00![]()
In Christ 5-21-00![]()
Community 7-20-03![]()
Jesus among Us 4-30-00![]()
Passion 1-26-03![]()
Finding Passion 2-02-03![]()
Cravings and Conflicts 10-9-05![]()
Beginning a Relationship with Christ:
The Invitation of Heaven 6-3-01
Indescribable Gift 11-26-00
What is Man? 9-9-01
Christmas Love | John 3:16-21
Victory! | 1 Corinthians 15:51-57 | Easter 2024![]()
Good Friday 2024![]()
Hark! The Herald Angels Sing | Christmas 2023![]()
Counting My Blessings Thanksgiving 2023 | Ezra 3:10-11 | Holiday Specials![]()
The Worthy One! | Revelation 5 | Holiday Specials![]()
A Dream | Acts 2:16-18 | Holiday Specials![]()
Out of Egypt | Exodus: 1:1-2:25![]()
Easter | The Passover Lamb Exodus | Exodus 12:1-27-
He Will Be Great | Luke 1:32,33 | Christmas Day 2022-
Trust in God | 2 Chronicles 20:1-26 | Holdiay Special-
Resurrection_means... |luke 24:36-49|easter sunday 2022-
Good Friday Service 2022-
Palm Sunday 2022 |Our Gentle King | Matthew 21:1-11-
Atheist's Faith | Holdiay Special![]()
The Cosmic Battle | Christmas 2021![]()
Fly! | Easter 2019![]()
What if Jesus had never been born? Christmas 2018-
Easter Resurrection Sunday 2018 - Psalm 22-
Easter Sunrise Service 2018![]()
Good Friday 2018 --
Christmas (2017)-
Thanksgiving (2017)-
Easter - Emmaus Revelation (2017)-
Good Friday - The Women at the Cross (2017)-
Good Friday - Simon of Cyrene Act 1 (2016)-
Easter - Simon of Cyrene Act 2 (2016)-
Christmas 2006
On the Lamb 12-17-06
Christmas 2000
Christmas Eve 12-24-01
Christmas Eve 2002
Christmas Eve 2003
Jesus Real Birthday 12-18-05
Christmas 2004 The Seed
Christmas 2003
Christmas 2002
Christmas 2001
Simeon Christmas 2007
Christmas Hope (Christmas Eve) 2008
Christmas in John 2008-
Christmas Eve 2009-
Christmas Spirit 1John 4:1-6 (2009)-
Christmas Spirit Luke 2:8-14 (2010)-
Christmas 2011-
From Incarnation to Incarnation (Christmas 2012)-
Christmas 2013 Emptied Philippians 2:5-11![]()
Why A Babe - Christmas 2015-
Christmas Eve 2016-
Christmas 2016-
Birth of John
Palm Sunday 4-16-00
Palm Sunday '01
Palm Sunday '02
Palm Sunday '03
Palm Sunday '04
Palm Sunday 3-16-08
It's Sunday But 4-17-11 (Palm Sunday)-
Good Friday '01![]()
Good Friday 2010-
Good Friday 2012-
Good Friday 2014 -
Good Friday 2015-
Easter 4-23-00
Easter 01
Easter '02
Easter 03
Easter 05
The Last Breakfast 4-8-07 (Easter)
Easter 2008-
Resurrection Reality 4-24-11 (Easter 2011)-
Resurrection Sunday 2012-
Resurrection, What Difference Does It Make Now? 2014-
Why Resurrection? Romans 4:23-25 2015-
The year 2000 (New Year Message)
The year 2001
New Year 2008
An Early New Year's Message 2012 Matthew 28:19-
Frantic or Faith Filled Philippians 4:4-9 (New Year 2013)-
The Provider (New Year 2014)-
Rewards 1 Corinthians 9:15-18 (New Year 2015)-
This is a Body (New Year 2016)-
Epiphany 1-6-08
Good News America 7-3-05
Prayers for 2004
Thanksgiving 11-18-01
Thanksgiving 11-24-02
Thanksgiving 2006 (A Heart Full of Jesus 11-19-06)
Give Thanks Psalm 118
Thanksgiving Psalm 116 (2009)
Thanksgiving in Romans 8-
Thankful 2015-
Thanksgiving Psalm 145 (2016)-
Pentecost 5-30-04![]()
Worship Wars
Worship Ways 6-11-00![]()
Worship part 3![]()
The Focus of Worship 6-4-00![]()
Personal Worship 5-4-03![]()
Expressions of Worship 5-11-03![]()
God is Speaking 7-14-02
Jesus Teaches on Prayer 8-4-02![]()
Prayer That Moves Mountains 8-11-02![]()
Going Into Battle 8-18-02![]()
At the Right Hand of God 02-16-03![]()
Letters to the Seven Churches:
The Right Church 8-5-01
Corporate Worship 6-27-99![]()
Prophecy 02-23-03![]()
Orderly Worship![]()
Give Us a Man 2-6-00![]()
The Temple 12-7-99![]()
God's Goal 3-10-02![]()
Mt 18![]()
The Disjointed Body 9-2-01![]()
A Woman 9-19-99 (women's role in the church)![]()
GIVING 4-9-00 - revised!![]()
Privilege and Responsibility![]()
The Prayer of Daniel and Nehemiah 1-04-02![]()
Restoring the Testimony 1-20-02![]()
A Time to Build 2-3-02![]()
A Call to Rise Above 1-30-05![]()
The Head of the Body of Christ (1-1-2017)-
Entirely His 8-12-01
Called Out 8-24-01![]()
Suffering: the Path to Glory 7-29-01![]()
Road to the End of Compromise 7-7-02![]()
Growing Up 10-21-01![]()
Where Are You Growing 5-12-00![]()
Adoption as Sons 1-27-02![]()
Only Two Ways 2-10-02![]()
Where's the Power 2-20-00![]()
Strength in Weakness 2-09-03![]()
Yes You Can 11-21-99![]()
Road Work 2-17-02![]()
Finding Your Call 3-17-02![]()
Jesus Advice on Investing 9-7-03![]()
Jesus Advice on Investing pt 2 9-14-03![]()
Our Inheritance 9-21-03![]()
Friendship with God 10-27-02![]()
The Word of God? 7-28-02![]()
Holy Habits 1 3-12-00![]()
Holy Habits 2-27-00![]()
Holy Habits 3-21-00![]()
Holy Habits 4-2-00![]()
The Unguarded Moment 8-8-99![]()
Hearing 7-4-99![]()
To Hear or Not 5-20-01![]()
Pruning for Fruit 3-23-03![]()
Finish Strong 5-13-01![]()
Knowing God
Steadfast Love-
Immutably Supreme-
God's Faithfulness-
God is Good-
God's Grace and Mercy-
God's Righteousness and Justice-
God is Holy-
God's Faithfulness 7-9-00![]()
The Sovereignty of God 7-16-00![]()
Immutability 7-23-00![]()
The Mercy of God 8-20-00![]()
The Goodness of God 8-6-00![]()
The Love of God 9-2-00![]()
The Holiness of God 9-10-00![]()
The Wrath of God 9-14-00![]()
The Contemplation of God 9-24-00![]()
The Peace of God 7-21-02![]()
The Ancient Paths 9-22-02
The Gracious Hand of God 9-29-02![]()
Nail It To The Cross 10-06-02![]()
Hebrews -Water Crossers 10-13-02![]()
Hidden Sin 5-25-03![]()
God Honoring Attitude 10-20-02![]()
Consecrate Yourselves 11-10-02![]()
Real Joy 5-18-03![]()
Living in the Tree of Life 1-19-03![]()
Satisfaction 8-6-06![]()
Mistaker 7-8-07![]()
Got the Spirit Acts 19:1-7-
Road to Emmaus 2 4-16-00
David's Mighty Men 12-19-02
Graduation Message
Graduation - Shine 5-21-05
Gideon and the crackpots
Return to Me 1-25-02
Hang On! 05-27-01
Watch yo mouth
Martha and Mary 10-28-04
Joseph 1-30-08
Heirs of God: Ro 8:17-27 6-17-01
Isaiah Predicts the Birth 12-16-01
Saddam and the Prince of Persia 4-06-03
Your Purpose 6-1-03
Now and Forever 6-8-03
For God's Smile 6-15-03
Seven Elements of Friendship with God 6-22-03
A Family of Love 6-29-03
Our Spiritual Home 7-13-03
(see Community in Favorites section)
Metamorphosis 7-27-03
Metamorphosis pt 2 8-2-03
Metamorphosis part 3 8-24-03
Made to Serve 8-31-03
Living in the Last Days 2Peter 1:1-4
Spiritual Growth 2Peter 1:5-9-
Effective and Fruitful 2Peter 1:8-15-
Certainty of the 2nd Coming 2Peter 1:16-21-
False Teachers 2Peter 2:1-10-
False Teachers part 2 2Peter 2:10b-22-
The Lord Is Patient 2Peter 3:1-9-
Time to Grow 2Peter 3:10-18-
Contenders Jude 1-5-
Contending for The Faith Jude 3-4-
Persevering Jude 5-7-
Wandering Stars Jude 8-13-
Enoch's Warning Jude 14-19-
Built Up Jude 20-25-
Unveiling Jesus Revelation 1:1-8-
Unveiling Jesus part 2 Revelation 1:9-20-
First Love Revelation 2:1-7-
Enduring Martyrs Revelation 2:8-11-
Confronting Evil Revelation 2:12-17-
Tolerating Evil Revelation 2:18-29-
Wake Up Revelation 3:1-7-
The Faithful Church Revelation 3:8-13-
Lukewarm Revelation 3:14-21-
Heaven's Gratitude Revelation 4-
Heaven's Crescendo Revelation 5-
Waiting part 1-
Waiting part 2-
Biblical Eldership Part 1 (Kip Maynard)-
Biblical Eldership Part 2 (David Nicolella)-
Biblical Eldership Part 3 (Luke Thorne) --
Biblical Eldership Part 4 (Paul Wallace)-
Shema Deuteronomy 6:4-11
Israel Trip March 2018 -
Costly Grace --
Nations Genesis 10:5-
When God is Silent-
Israel Trip 2012-
Worthy Glorify Exalt-
The Revelation of Jesus-
Authority part 1- (no audio)
Authority part 2-
Elder's Response
Old Time Religion 8-5-07
Return From Israel 3-11-07
Proverbs 29:18 Vision 8-13-00
The Spiritual Heritage of Sedona 7-06-03
Duh Vinci Code 5-1-05
You're in the Army Now 8-7-05
Narnia part 1 12-4-05
Narnia part 2 12-11-05
The Self-Giving Servant Father 11-21-04
Could I Do More? 2-27-05
Truth is Marching On 9-28-03
Passion pt 2 2-02-03
Sovereignty and Disobedience 03-09-03
Our Treacherous Heart 7-1-01
Tricky Hearts 10-14-01
Renewed 7-8-01
In the Ark 10-7-01
Tabernacle in John 03-02-03
Discernment in Difficulty 1-13-02
Remembering God's Hand 11-17-02
Lessons from Asa 9-23-01
Lessons from Joseph 10-28-01
Lessons from Joseph pt 2 11-4-01
Islam and Christianity 9-8-02
Same God? 9-23-01
Madmen and Falling Towers 9-16-01
Be Faithful 9-30-01
Baptized 6-23-02
Let 12-29-02
Let Us 1-05-03
Let It Rain! 6-16-02
More Let Us from Hebrews 1-12-03
Man the Rebel 6-02-02
Living with People Like Me 2-24-02
Harlot Heroine 11-03-02
Preparation for Conquest 12-01-02
Meet the Commander 12-15-02
Trust in God Alone
In the Word 1-9-00
Nineveh or Nazareth 3-6-00
Ps 84 9-12-99
Psalm 127 12-12-99
Overflowing Thankfulness 11-28-99
Take the Land 9-5-99
Two Spies 8-20-99
The Spirit Departed 8-1-99
Stand Up People
Married to Jesus 4-22-01
Married to Jesus 2 4-29-01
Sovereignty and Comfort 5-6-01
Servant Song 5-27-01
The Ear of a Servant 12-1-01
The Ear of a Servant part 2 12-8-01
Servant 11-11-01
Servants part 2 11-25-01
Apostolic One Liners 4-14-02
David Marsh, Mind the Gap: A Celebration of the Reformation | Romans 1:16-17, October 27, 2024 -
Jory Uhler, The Fruits of a Sanctified Heart | Psalm 119:57-64, October 20, 2024 -![]()
Dan Rawlins, Who is the LORD? | Exodus: 5 & 6, October 13, 2024 -![]()
Dan Rawlins, Off to Egypt-The Exodus Begins | Exodus 4:18-31, August 18, 2024 -![]()
Jory Uhler, New Revelation? | 2 Timothy 3:10-17, July 7, 2024 -![]()
Jory Uhler, Hope and Comfort in Affliction | Psalm 119:49-56, May 12, 2024 -![]()
Dan Rawlins, I AM | Exodus 3:1-4:17, April 21, 2024 -![]()
Luke Thorne, Confession and Repentance 1:5-9, March 10, 2024 -![]()
Jory Uhler, More Precious Than Gold | Psalm 119:1-8, May 8, 2022 --
Kip Maynard, "Who Do You Say That I Am", May 1, 2022 --
David Nicolella, The Two Arrivals, December 16, 2018 -
Luke Thorne, Our Redeemer, December 09, 2018 -
Luke Thorne, The Gospel for Believers-
Luke Thorne, Jesus and the Names of God --
Kip Maynard, Faith, April 22, 2018 --
David Nicolella, The Greatest is Love-
David Nicolella, Jesus, the Greatest Story Ever Told, November 26, 2017 --
Kip Maynard, Abba Father, September 10, 2017 -
Ron Vachon-Vierra, The Joy of the Lord, July 16, 2017 --
Luke Thorne April 23, 2017 -
Brother Eric, persecution in N Korea (no text) -
Talk the Talk 8-16-09 (no text) -
God's Rest 8-23-09 (no text) -
The Whole Gospel 8-30-09 (no text) -
Tests of Faith 10-25-09 (no text) -
David Witt 10-25-09 (no text) -
Prayer - Gary Alden 3-28-10-
The Tongue 6-13-10 (no text) -
A Passion for Prayer
- Gary Alden 6-20-10 -
Jesus Only Only Jesus - 8-29-10 -
God Requires - 5-8-11
Trust in the Lord - 6-24-12-
Luke 15 - 7-1-12-
Psalm 19 Works and Word-
Experiencing the Will of God-
What Gives Pleasure to God?-
David Witt - House Church Ministry in India-
Real Love --
No Compromise - Psalm 119:1,3 --
Pastor Manny Martinez's Testimony --
The Coming War - Psalm 83-
To Be Loved Is To Be Known - John 4:1-42 --
Pain and Suffering - Job 1, 2 --
God's Purposes, God's Ways - John 15:1-9 --
Santhosh, Susan and son Philip Matthews -
Luke Thorne - Create in me a clean heart --
D. Nicolella - Faith that moves montains --